Saturday, May 3, 2014

World of the Ovimbundu
The Ovimbundu mainly make their living based off of where they live in Angola. The Ovimbundu, as previously mentioned, live in either the central highlands and along the plateau, or along the western coast of Angola. Those that live along the western coast mainly make their living off of the marine environment. The main industry in this area is fishing.
Those that live along the plateau and the central highlands mainly focus on agriculture. The main economic activity in this area is from farming, which consists of crops like rice, coffee, corn, and beans, as well as various others. The Ovimbundu also hunt and raise livestock, which included cows, sheep, and goats. The amount of cattle that a family has is actually a way of measuring wealth among the Ovimbundu, however very few families have large herds that they own.
            The Ovimbundu family generally consists on one male, his wife or several wives, and their dependent children. The men and sometimes children will do the hunting and the farming. Some children also go to school but it is once again only available for certain families. After the civil war many families and the culture altogether continue to struggle because a large portion of their land was destroyed during the war and this has brought about much poverty in Angola. 

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